
Ein starkes Team schaffen – Klonarmeen vermeiden

Aaltersgemischte Teamsltersgemischte Teams gelten als eine Antwort auf den demographischen Wandel. Damit die Teamarbeit gelingt bedarf aber nicht der Klonarmee aus Star Wars. „Why?  Because no one is all-knowing and has all the skills necessary to individually complete all aspects of the business (and even if you do, you will eventually hit the limits of your time and energy as the business grows.) Even if you have a group of “mini-you’s”, you will limit what your business can accomplish.

Many developing leaders start out with the goal of making an army of workers and junior leaders who are like the clone armies from the last set of Star War movies – where every soldier looks and acts the same as the leader they were created to emulate.“, schreibt
Dr. Paul White im Entepreneur.

Entscheidend für den Fortschritt ist die Diversität der Teamstruktur. Dazu meint der Virgin-Gründer Richard Branson: „Diversity is an advantage for any company, and can be an important factor in its success. Over more than 40 years of building our businesses at the Virgin Group, my colleagues and I have seen time and time again that employing people from different backgrounds and who have various skills, viewpoints and personalities will help you to spot opportunities, anticipate problems and come up with original solutions before your competitors do.“

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